Saturday, 27 November 2010
Scuba Guide Book Layout
The booklet is going to contain several elements; information, photos and lists of locations. To keep the information clear the format should be easy to navigate through. The typeface for the lists is likely to be the same as the typeface on the map so they link well together, but the body copy will probably be a serif typeface to make it more readable.
Final Pictograms
Friday, 26 November 2010
When I tested the map on the laser jets the colours came out horribly and the map looked awful, the detail was all lost and it just looked a mess. To try and show the detail I thought perhaps I should try and add a stroke but this just made it look even worse. I'm hoping that it's just the tone of the laser printer and that the artwork itself isn't a problem.
Thursday, 25 November 2010
further pictogram development
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Show & Tell
Does the ‘Butterfly Effect’ brief have enough of a range?
- could propose other films
With the introduction in the key booklet now does that help the understanding of the work? (butterfly effect)
Originally each pictogram was going to be a different colour, does keeping them the two same colours work? (scuba diving)
Do the examples of pictograms work at the smaller scale? Are they clear in their meaning? (you can write on the print out)
What sort of impression do you get of ‘Equine Engineering’ by looking through the website proposal?
- High end, make body type smaller
- bit dry, look at DS emotion for different spin
Any major type errors that are staring you in the face with the website?
- body copy too big
Other comments:
- have different layout on the tshirts, information could be too detailed to print on clothing
- prints have worked well
Tutorial with Mark Howe
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
map, type
This could work better, including the name of the dive site but still when it comes to the amount of locations that need to be included it won't work. Also it means that once people add their own stickers onto the map the design will be inconsistent.
Adding the location name. I think this is too long/too much information but also there is no way I'd be able to fit in all these bits of information so close to one another.
Using just a lighter shade of blue for the sea names maintains the pictograms being higher on the heirarchy but you are still able to see/read the sea names.
The blue number works much better, it's much calmer and easy to read
Using the pink for the numbers, the contrast between the red and the green works well for the pictograms because it makes it easy to spot but type wise it's very difficult to read.
The sea names here are far too dark. I thought I'd try and use the same colour as the land but this way if I need to overlap the type onto the countries you won't be able to see it anymore.
Adding a stroke, this is awful
Having this as a condensed typeface looks a bit odd, since there is so much space around it. I think it should be a wider typeface to accentuate how much space there is and make the sea look bigger.
This colour for the type is far too distracting, the contrast needs to be lower and the colour darker