Wednesday 16 December 2009

The Final Four

Number One

Number Two

Number Three

Number Four


  1. Great animations! There is a great sense of movement, particularly in the bottom two. You've managed to capture the 'clicking' well, and they almost operate in pairs, the first two and the last two operating in similar ways. You've done other variations in your development, too. I might have just looked more in to colour (not that I did..).

  2. Yeah looking good, Think I like the light switch one best, its just a neater concept. I think click was possibly a harder word to communicate easily so well done!

  3. Vid 01: This video makes a strong use of each letter form, all responding to the stimulus in different ways. The most effective in my opinion is the final click with the 'i'. The background colour change is striking and conveys the theme the best in my opinion. Also really like the rotation on the 'C'. The motion blur makes it seem realistic.

    Vid 02: Out of the four this is my least favourite although this isn't to say it is bad. As with the previous each letter form interacts with the theme, I just personally think the composition is a little static. Perhaps use camera angles on this to give it an added depth?

    Vid 03: In my opinion this video is stronger than the previous as it makes a stronger use of the compositions limitations, the movement of the letter forms etc. The 'spongey' effect to the clicking motion is particularly appealing. Perhaps use more vertical movement within the time period.

    Vid 04: By far my favourite out of the four. Really like the way each letter form interacts with the rest. The domino effect is refreshing and can offer pace change well. This could only be enhanced by scale changes or the introduction of camera angles? Like it a lot!

  4. Yeah I did a version of the fourth one where the camera moves but the resolution of the letter's wasn't really good enough to use as a final I don't think.

  5. I really like your animations. You've captured click really well and made the sequence really interesting. You've developed different ways to represent it, which I would of found really difficult. I must say, I too prefer the last too, mainly because I like the hand drawn feel, and the fact that you've added a little colour, but the first are just as successful in terms of representing click. I agree, it would of been nice to have seen some changes in perspective, but i understand about the resolution, i also had the same problem. A great job though, well done :D
