Tuesday 1 December 2009

First session

We picked 3 words out of the randomiser to base the start of this module on. My words were "organised", "lost" and "click". The first task was to produce 3 images on an A2 sheet of paper which represented these words, using the letters of the word within it. For "organised" I split the word into vowels and consonants, and then numbered each letter depending on their position in the word.

For the word lost, I considered a number of options but settled on the idea of "lost in numbers". For this I muddled the letters of lost up within the numbers 0-9.

I found click to be the most challenging of the words. I focussed on representing the movement of a mouse click. For this I compressed the letter C and then had the rest of the letters up in the air. I used arrows to try and demonstrate where the energy was.

The next task was to try and communicate the word in 5 frames. This was much easier, as it allowed me to demonstrate the movement of the letters. I tried 5 frames for the 3 different words and then another 3 for the word "click". Seeing as "click" was the most challenging of the words, I think that I may get more out of this word and have decided to develop this word for the brief.

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