This is the latest stage of design for the timeline. There is still a lot of work to do with it, for example deciding on how to indicate the different ages/7 year gaps as well as the key and the proper positioning of the diagram and type. I also need to decide on the size. At the moment I've been working on this which is 1m wide and 50cm high which might be nice as a poster but I want to scale it up so it's big enough to cover a wall/panel.

The current positioning of columns/diagram. The white box indicates the positioning of the key.

Example columns of text

To keep text aligned I indented lines of text so that the full stops following the numbers lined up.

List of events to appear below the timeline. I decided to abbreviate each of the characters to letters to reduce the amount of words needed.

A comparison of the position of numbers

Having the numbers on the left hand side seems to make more sense since people will read from left to right. They should therefore read '3' then see event three.

Looking at this section the line looks as though its coming to/from event 25 instead of 26.

This makes the information clearer in less time

Here I considered sticking to my original colour scheme and using different tones of blue. But I don't think it makes things very clear.

I prefer this option which shows the lines leading to a coloured circle but going behind it, which looks much tidier.

This example show the events being coloured but with the lines etc layered over the top of the circles, this for me is too messy.

Using dotted lines to show a jump in time is a bit confusing when there are a lot of them and they cross over. So to help clarify where each line is going I'm trying to use colour to link events together. This example shows the numbers in colour, which is ok but the numbers are only really there to label the events and so I think it should be the events that are coloured.

Here I've tried to use colour for each age group. With a light grey at the beginning and then a dark grey at the end with a gradient for the teen years to join them together. The problem here though is that it gives the appearance the later years are more intense but I'm not sure whether I would agree with that interpretation.

Using less stripes is perhaps better but I'm still not sure if it's the right approach

Here I've tried to make the passing of 7 years more obvious by putting stripes across the section. I'm not sure about this, but something about it makes me feel a bit uncomfortable.

Because the film starts with the ending of the film it adds more complexity to my timeline. I need to show that it happens first in terms of the films timeline but its actually a glimpse of what does happen. To try and simplify it I've included it at the beginning of the film and tried to cordon it off with a dotted line which is labelled with 'title sequence'. I rotated this so it's obvious this label is to do with the films timeline rather than Evans, since horizontally the labels refer to Evans current age.

Developing a timeline which doesn't include a written description of events but rather uses a simple circle to point when an event occured. It's quite interesting here to see which moments in time the film shows. It makes me wonder about all the gaps/how are they effected by each choice and how they in turn alter the future.
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