Tuesday 12 January 2010

Presentation - 2Tone


  1. Hi Emma. Good to see that you have a clearly defined subject matter. This will provide you with relevant imagery and design devices (but you already know that). I can see from your boards that you have already harnessed 2Tone conventions to your advantage.
    You discussed in your presentation that you want to produce a stop-frame animation with a hand made feel. I definitely think this will add to a nostalgic feel. It could have quite a nice 'memorabilia' feel to it. Have you thought about faking newspaper headlines (clippings) etc for it? This may help you to add a little history to your sequence, i.e. politics, cultural issues from the time. Just an idea.
    Also regarding the history aspect we discussed, you could look into 60's Jamaican Ska and Rock Steady - Toots & The Maytals, Desmond Decker etc. This could provide you with some more strong imagery.
    It's a wicked idea and I wish I'd thought of it! Hehe

  2. Hello Emma,

    sorry for the delay, you've posted your feedback response already but hopefully I'll add something constructive!

    After reviewing the posts on your blog and your presentation, you seem to have a clear subject matter and concept that has been backed up with the research on your 'design context' blog.

    Your target audience is clear aswell and I think you've made an informed decision to focus it on the specified age group. I like the range of research that you have gathered, but should start considering the channel that you would be looking to broadcast on, as this would help reflect the design direction. Again it's good to see such a focused subject matter, and eventhough you're focusing it on a specific audience, it might not be a good idea to restrict it too much, so that it can also be understood by people who don't know what 2 tone is aswell.

    Your design direction is going well so far, you've made consistent progress. Apart from on your presentation, I can't seem to see any research onto 2 tone itself so maybe a bit more of this might help with your development.

    Finally, other things to consider://
    - use of colour, b&w?
    - Sound?
    - visual 'style'? photography, vector graphics, stop motion?

