Wednesday 20 January 2010

Timelined information

I've mapped out the information I've found out about the single releases along a time line, with information about; Artist, Name of record, A Side, B Side, Position in Chart, Date of release. For some of the releases I've also included interesting facts.
A lot of the information I sourced from and
Also included is events in society along a separate timeline. To find out this information I used BBC news, and watched news footage on youtube. I also contacted members of my target audience to ask them what they remembered from that era. The trouble with this was that a lot of peoples memories were related to their location and so wasn't suitable for everyone.


Couple of examples:

"I can barely remember what happened yesterday, never mind 20 odd years ago!!! I was 10-16 so let me think....two tone music was big - Specials, Selector, Madness but by the early eighties the New Romantic era was kicking in...Adam and the Ants, Duran Duran, Spandeau Ballet etc.....with this went flamboyant piratey type shirts/blouses, ra-ra skirts, leg warmers and neon colours. Worst of all a lot of men started wearing make-up!!! I guess we were introduced to Madonna at some point during this period too.
The 1980 Olympics took place in Russia.
Video players/recorders became more common place and started appearing in homes! In 1982 Channel 4 started and the world was introduced to the likes of Countdown and Brookside!! Things like Space Invaders and PakMan also became popular (obviously I was too bust doing my homework to realise!!)"


"1979 big news was Margaret Thatcher becoming first female PM. Iconic film "Life of Brian" was made. Iconic album "London Calling" released by Clash. I started at RHS
1980 John Lennon shot in December. Can still remember that morning stood in assembly and it got mentioned!
1981 THE Royal Wedding (Charles and Diana) which I didn't watch as I was at Guide camp!! Peter Sutcliffe convicted of Yorkshire Ripper murders - these murders had been making the news since the early 70's and it was a very big deal when he was caught. Soft Cell released "Tainted Love" - huge hit
1982 Channel 4 started. Falklands War - the year before girls in the year above had gone on an educational cruise. The one in 1982 was cancelled as the ship was used as a hospital ship. Mary Rose was raised from the Solent - remember watching this on breakfast tv before school. One of my favourite actress Grace Kelly (Princess Grace of Monaco) died in a car crash
1983 Greenham common anti nuclear protesters set up camp. I heard The Smiths for the first time - most excellent. £1 coin introduced. Maggie Thatcher won another General Election (OMG)
1984 Torvill and Dean won gold with the "Bolero" at Sarajevo Winter Olympics. The IRA bombed the Tory party conference at Brighton (again remember watching this on breakfast tv before school). I passed my driving test (first attempt)
1985 End of the Miner's strike. LIVE AID in July on telly all day. Remember watching first episode of EastEnders"

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