Sunday 3 January 2010

Top 10 Brief

The 'Top 10' brief appealed to me most to begin with. When doing the video's before I was starting to get to a point where I wanted to create a longer video and allow for narrative to expand.
Over the last year or so I've started to enjoy certain music a lot more, in particular ska. Since 2009 was the 30th anniversary of the Two Tone record label I'm quite interested in producing something that celebrates that. Currently I'm considering 'Top 10 Two Tone Records'.
There's a clear demographic associated with this music, and I'd like to target this particular audience in celebration, rather than trying to entice others.
The tone of voice can be decided through looking at the music video's that accompanied these records and see how the artists portrayed themselves. From looking at a few (I'll put links on my context blog) so far, it's quite tongue in cheek.

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