Thursday 11 February 2010

Creating space - session 5

For this task we were given a block of text which we needed to fit onto an a4 page, using one column. To achieve this, without going over 12 words per line, I tried to find a typeface which had wide proportions. I also altered the left and right margins creating more white space around the type. Some people had to use sans serif and some had to use serif so that we could compare and see which was more readable.

We then had to do the same again using 2 columns, this time more of the challenge was to ensure there were at least 6 words per line. By using 2 columns you get more space to increase leading. Breaking the paragraphs proved more successful that using indentations as it created the illusion of less type to read. One thing that could maybe be improved on is to decrease the size of the gutter, as a group we decided to actually increase it to spread it out more, but because left justification has been used a gutter doesn't need to be as big, meaning either the column width could be increased or the surrounding margins.

We also discussed margin size and what connotations arose from this. By having small margins it appears that there is a lot of text, and also that their is a low budget. Large margins convey being worth more in monetary values.

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