Tuesday 23 February 2010

End of Module, Self Evaluation

1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

Most of the skills I have learnt this module are technical, due to needing to use software I hadn't used before. Learning how to use After Effects is something that I have really enjoyed, and although I didn't delve deeply into all the different tools it offered I managed to communicate what I wanted effectively.
Storyboarding and planning in general has been the most useful skill to have developed. Actually visualising everything that is going to happen ensured that I knew what I needed to produce/collect ahead of prodution.
The same goes for producing schematics and using DVD pro. Having planned all the structure and content of the DVD meant that actually building it didn't take as long as it would otherwise.
Thinking about design that changes over time has helped me understand more about myself as a designer. I have always enjoyed creating design that can be adapted, or interacted with. Personally, I much prefer to design knowing that it's not going to stay like that and that something will happen to it. This is probably why the production of the animation was something I was happy to spend a lot of time on.
I am pleased with the motion graphics I have produced for this module, in particular the silent movie brief. I am unhappy with my actual DVD. The menu's are very static and after flicking through a couple of time become boring. I should have experimented more with how I could alter the same design on different menu's to keep it interesting, rather than it appearing to be the same screen with different buttons. I would have liked to consider using motion within my DVD menu's but with the time I allowed for my DVD this seemed too big of a task.

2. What approaches to/methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

Research played a dominant part of my work during this module. I researched a lot into the label and their identity. I based the majority of my design directions on the identity of the label. I also learnt a lot about society in Britain during the era of 2-Tone which I believe gave my design more substance and more of a context.
When it comes to contextual research the majority of it was looking at material from the label, which was useful to learn about my subject, but I think I should have looked more at actual TV titles. I looked at a few to begin with but didn't continue throughout the brief which was a mistake. I should have researched into these more to learn the conventions of TV titles, and study how a narrative evolves over time. If I had done this I would probably have had more confidence in my design and worried less about it becoming boring and stale over time.
Although initially I got in touch with fans of 2-Tone, I almost forgot about their real opinion and instead probably made some assumtions about what would work and what wouldn't.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

Using appropriate research to help develop the design process. I need to continue to do this but more than I do currently and to ensure I'm actually looking at existing examples. Paying attention to small details which I want to continue to do.
Motion graphics is something I have enjoyed and been committed to, so I want to try and produce more work like this.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully?

I need to come up with more initial ideas rather than different ways I can do one thing. For example on this brief I focussed on the idea of a timeline to communicate the label because I wanted to show the history of the label alongside the developments in society. I then considered different ways that a timeline could be represented. What I should have done was think of alternatives to timelines before deciding that was the best way to do it. I also need to explore more with composition and layout. My work definitely lacks impact and isn't attention grabbing. I need to learn how to make something stand out. I also haven't used colour much in my work recently and perhaps this is something I need to address.
Possibly my biggest weakness as a designer is a lack of confidence in myself. Because of this I think I opt for safer idea's and don't test myself as much as I should. This is probably also the reason for why my work doesn't have impact and stand out. My main priority over the next module and year is to try and regain some confidence in my work, particualarly visually and stop worrying so much. If I can do this I am likely to enjoy the work more and learn a lot more too.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

- Think of more initial idea's before developing them, in the hope that I get out all the obvious idea's first and I can begin to think more laterally.
- Look more at contextual research which is appropriate, so I have more of an understanding of what works
- Explore visually different solutions, not only coming up with idea's but how different media can aid communication
- Produce something with more impact, instead of relying on someone actively looking at it I need to produce something that takes their attention
- Have more confidence in myself, so that I will try different things and not worry too much about how succesfful they'll be. Do it, and then evaluate.

6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas:
(please indicate using an ʻxʼ)

5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor
1 2 3 4 5
Attendance - 4
Punctuality - 4
Motivation - at some points 1 and at others 4
Commitment - 3
Quantity of work produced - 3
Quality of work produced - 3
Contribution to the group - 2



  2. come and join for better good thoughts and power full confidence level increase and touch a highest goal Thanks
