Tuesday 2 February 2010

Final Crit

Initial frames for TV titles

This is how far I have progressed, with the animated TV Titles.

5 Questions

How well is the video paced?
Is the type legible/readable?
Is it easily understood?
How well does it reflect the 2-tone label?
Is their enough content to maintain an audience's attention for the full 50 seconds?


  1. How well is the video paced?

    The video seems at the right pace, fits well with the music. However, this might become a little monotonous, so perhaps it could speed up later in the video, and perhaps change direction to run down the screen, this might stop it becoming repetitive. You should do a test of how you might do this, as it may be something you can incorporate.

    Is the type legible/readable?

    The type is a little hard to read, so you may want to single out certain key aspects (Thatcher etc) and make these bigger, zoom to them, or animate them in some way. However, if the type is just to add to the timeline effect I don't think it needs to be any more prominent, and does the job of conveying the info without actually having to read it.

    Is it easily understood?

    The tone is perfect, and the research shows through to the resolutions in this respect. The images you've shown and the background music all say 'Two Tone' without the need to explicitly state that.

    How well does it reflect the 2-tone label?

    Again, it fits perfectly. The 4 ident at the beginning is brilliant, and states clearly what the intro is about from the very beginning. You could perhaps make more of the album art, have it move more on different planes and different scales, and this effect could become more intense as the video progresses.

    You need to evidence just how much research and knowledge of have of the label and time period on your blog. There is some there but you should make the link between this and the video clearer, and make the most of the work you've done.

    Is their enough content to maintain an audience's attention for the full 50 seconds?

    I mentioned certain things to try out in the other questions, so I think you have plenty of content, it's just making it as interesting as possible.

  2. hello there...

    I can see your skills in After Effects are improving really quick. You seem to know whats working and what isn't.

    How well is the video paced?

    Its working well at the moment by keeping it simple. The variations in speed were objects catch up with each other is beginning to look really effective. It keeps it entertaining, almost creates suspense or a build up maybe for something that happens further down the line. Even though its a bit late to change, it would be interesting to see the current film with a couple different songs.

    Is the type legible/readable?

    Although it isn't nessesery to read all the type, it's still a little hard to read. Maybe by increasing the size of a few dates or key words to hightlight the time line element. It only becomes clear its a time line after a good 10 secs. The font is also a little condensed which makes it even harder to read.

    Is it easily understood?

    Its clear its about The Specials, but are you keeping the anouncment for the 'top 10' at the end? 50 seconds is a long time for an ad, so make sure the end is worth waiting for. Maybe introduce other two tone colours, bigger images, faster stop motions or camera movements. Keep it exciting but not too busy on the whole.

    How well does it reflect the 2-tone label?

    Really like the idea of using stills and imagery from key events of the time. It adds history and meaning behind it. The simplicity of colours and shapes is apparent which reflects their album covers. Your film so far has a fun and friendly tone of voice which resembles their songs.

    Is their enough content to maintain an audience's attention for the full 50 seconds?

    So far yes, but some key information needs to be clearer, and you need to keep up that build up for the end. The movements are important and should keep the audience intrigued.

    charlotte x
