Saturday 20 February 2010


It makes sense to produce packaging resembling a record cover. To do this I have produced the outer packaging and a sleeve for the disc to fit into. I tried different stocks to try and recreate an aged quality but something that was strong enough to keep it's structure. In the end I've chosen to print onto bulky newsprint, as it gives a hint of off-white but not too obvious and maintains the structure well. Inside I've used newsprint to hold the disc. On the back of the packaging I've displayed the content of the disc replicating a track listing and also my rationale from when I began the brief.

The back of the packaging is much more successful than the front. I had considered using thumbnails of some of the record covers from 2-Tone and positioned them/edited them, so that they suggested a chequered pattern. I wish that I had done this instead but don't think I have time to do that as well as build the DVD. So this is something I may change at a later date.

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