Wednesday 17 November 2010

EE with content

After discussing the web design with John I've addressed some of the issues and started to fill in the layout with the correct content. I've now sent these 4 pages to him which demonstrate different features. Including; light box, pop out menu, type on its own and type with image. Once I get the feedback from these pages I'll then be able to do the rest of the pages which will follow the same rules. Apart from the jump builder which is quite a large project in itself and may have to be left for the time being.

Email from John:

"I’ve had a look at the few pages you’ve done so far and I like the layout. Under the planning and design section, the slideshow wants to be pictures/samples of the drawings and elevations which I’ll be putting on here for you and also a sample of the design and access statement. I’ve put this on dropbox now for Liam to design me a template. Did you want to chase him on business cards and letterheads as well. The material samples you’ve photographed want to come under the construction section where you’ve written we can source material for you. Other than that it all looks fine"

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