Monday 15 November 2010

Notes from speaking to John

I met up with John this weekend to discuss the website progress and to talk about what needed to be done.

Within the show jump section of the website he would like a jump builder. So that clients can select different features for the jump, including decorative elements and colour and a visual will update. The hope is that they will able to save and send this to John and he will receive a sort of order form with all the details he needs to build the jump. I'm not sure what the best way of doing this is at the moment, whether to create a sort of interactive with flash or to make use of things like radio buttons. I want to try and keep this as simple as possible since I will at some point have to code it all.

Notes from what content needs to go on each page.

Design and access sheets

More decisions about content and the possibility of me doing the illustrations for the jump builder

Content/layout decisions

Automatic email form

I also photographed all of the samples of materials for the planning services so this is a list of all the photographs, what the produce is and who the supplier is.

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