The amazing views/sites to be seen when scuba diving are it's biggest selling point. And it's one thing to try and explain what each of the dives are but it's in face a very visual sport. Therefore it's important that the guide/ref book include images of the types of dive. This way people can flick through and if something catches their eye then they can read up about that type of dive and then see where they can do it. I need to use a format which allows for this.
To make the map something that can be used more/developed I thought it would be good to provide stickers of the icons so that if users have visited somewhere else which isn't mentioned on the map they could add it themselves. This way the map becomes more personal to each user and would hopefully be used more.
How icons might be used. Have them placed in the locations of specific dive sites and then have a list below the map which gives the name of the location. I also thought it might be quite nice to have a sort of tick list next to each of the sites on the list for people to tick off whether they've been there/want to go there.
Idea's for the scuba map and how it might fold. I did consider having a map on one side and then information on the other, so that it acts as a guide and then folds out into a map. But if I wanted to refer to things on the map it means the user is having to flip backwards and forwards between the two which I don't think will work very well. It seems more appropriate to keep the two things separate and let them work together.
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