Thursday 18 November 2010

Icon colours

Trying to look at colours for the shark icon

I found that when making the icons small although I tried to pick colours that go with the colours of the map, they seem too subtle to actually be able to notice them. Originally I was going down the route of picking colours that might be associated with each type of dive but now I think the best course of action is to pick colours which are in high contrast to eachother and to the map so you can spot them easily. This is going to be really difficult since there are about 10 different dives I'm trying to map. After deciding on colours I'll then apply them to the most appropriate type of dive.

1 comment:

  1. heyyyyy

    This is a link from an illastartor-duo I found- Kozy and Dan- the shark charmer.
    They sent their design to pangeaseed- shark awareness activists.
