I've been thinking about what would be the most useful format for the scuba guide. At the moment I'm thinking it might be good to have a large wall map, which makes use of icons to indicate what types of dive can be done where. As well as this a reference book could be included, in this book it would name the locations of each of the icons as well as a brief introduction into different kinds of dive.
Since divers are always finding new locations to go to, and it is impractical to think that I could include every location on the map within the module deadline. A way around this is to just give a sample of the locations and within the book provide space for people to write down their own locations and to provide stickers of the icons to add to the map.
The scuba map has lots of applications, it could be used as an online resource for divers and become interactive so that people could add their reviews/recommendations. Also I think a really good use for it would be for an iphone application that makes use of gps and offers information about local dive sites.
First ideas for 'wall diving', this is one of the most difficult icons to design. Since the uniqueness of the dive is that it involves exploring a huge wall of species which stretches down to deep depths. At the moment I've been thinking about what space the wall takes up within the circle (which I am considering using for each of the icons)

Dolphin specific areas should make use of a dolphin icon, but I've tried to think about what kind of shape the dolphin forms. Whether it is the 'jumping' form they take or perhaps whether it's more of a glide, which they are likely to demonstrate when in the water.
Some ideas for the turtle dive locations, the drawings which emphasise the gliding nature of how they move through the water are preferable.

Icons for reefs. Looking at images of reef fish as well as coral and plants. The clown fish is probably more recognisable however the shape of the other fish is perhaps more unique to reef/coral fish.
Wreck dives. I prefer to use ship wreck imagery rather than planes, although the propellor perhaps covers both. To indicate that it is a wreck rather than just a ship I need to communicate that it has been sunk/broken/deteriorated.
Deep dives, the best way to communicate this seems to be by showing the contrast in depths. So perhaps using a steep slope.
Ice dives. At first I thought the snow flakes symbolised ice best but I actually think using the idea of icebergs is quite interesting.

Cave icons I'm finding pretty difficult to do as well. It's quite a difficult shape to work with and particularly since these icons will be scaled down so they're very small. Some of the images which perhaps look better when they are large are completely the wrong choice when they're scaled down.
I also wanted to number each of the icons when they were in position on the map so that they could be referenced in the guide book. I've been thinking about how I can do this, whether to include the number within the circle shape or not. The plus side of this is that the shape remains a circle and is easily placed. However it also means that the icon itself will need to reduced in size further and the risk of unreadable type is also increased. I started to think about adding on another circle to the icon which could be for the number, so that they work in pairs. This imagery is reminiscent of the masks that scuba divers need to wear when diving but also of air bubbles. However it's a much more awkward shape and it might be ok for 1 or 2 icons but it runs the risk of looking quite tacky when there are about a hundred of them dotted around. This is something I need to look into further.
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