Tuesday 2 November 2010

PDF sent to John, with a selection of possible menu layouts and examples of how they might look within the window.

Starting to put together visualisations of layouts/colours/menu placements.

The layouts where I've started to look at light boxes for the images seems to work best. The colours I've used are the colours discussed with John and Liam (responsible for branding). I've been looking at different tones of these images so that they are more suitable for screen. I've found that having a site using predominately dark green is a bit over powering, and having too much of the cream starts to cheapen the brand. Making the cream slightly lighter and balancing it with the green seems to reflect the brand values more. I'm also having trouble with how to place the photographs within the site without looking like they are just plonked on. Using the light box to display the images really lifts the images out of the site and makes more of a feature of them. By doing this it perhaps shows customers that they really should pay attention to the work that EE can do.


Me to John:

"I've uploaded a pdf to dropbox which has a sample of some of the stuff I've been working on for your site.
I've used the colours from the branding and the logo that Liam's designed. I've kept the contact details in the
same type as the printed materials but changed the main copy so it's more readable on screen.
The pdf is just looking at different menu placements, whether to use a drop down menu or side bar. I actually think
having it down the left hand side might work better because it means when the menu drops down it won't be covering any content on the page.

There's also a couple of pages on there which look at images lightboxes. This means that rather than having to scroll down the page to look at photos they can act as a sort of slide show. I thought this might be a good way to show the menage construction in progress.

The last few pages show what the website might look like once live. By keeping the pages central and using a coloured
background, the website will work for people with all sorts of monitors. Whereas if I try to fill the entire screen with the
webpage, people with smaller monitors/older computers won't be able to view the site as well. "

John to Me:

I’m not going to lie to you, Slide 17 is my favourite. I agree with your thinking of the menu popping out from the side. Please replace Costs with Prices though!

For the manege construction I really like the slide show idea and then below this I would like to give a description of works being undertaken. I’ll let you play around with it a bit more. I’m also going to want to remove the manege and leave it as just construction.

The jumps menu can be split into 3 – Showjumps, Working Hunter and Cross Country

Once you’ve sent through a few more ideas, we can look at populating the page with actual work and wording. If you are free one weekend, I would quite like you to do a sequencing of works where you photograph each stage of me constructing a jump.

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