Sunday 14 November 2010

I found screen printing to be a mixture of frustration and excitement. Mainly frustration at the troubles I had. Here I thought it would be useful to show the mistakes/problems I encountered as well as some things I thought I would try out.

Here I tried adding more than one colour ink onto the screen to product some sort of gradient/flashes of colour. I tried this with about 3 different colours. The more prints I did from the same ink, the more the colours blended together and gave an even gradient, however I quite like the more abrupt insert of colour.

This was one of my biggest problems, it came from not flooding the screen properly. My artwork was a3 and I exposed it onto a screen just slightly larger than a3. What I should have done was to expose it onto an a2 screen to ensure I had enough room to manoeuvre the squeegee; this would have made it much easier to flood the ink.

As well as the flooding problem, my screen also got blocked and dried out which made it difficult to push ink through and so the screen had to be rewashed a few times. To prevent this from happening so frequently I need to make sure I turn off the vacuum on the bed in between prints.

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